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Those little moments July 26, 2014

Filed under: Life,Television & Film — Televixen @ 4:25 pm

Sometimes there are moments throughout the day that stop us in our tracks, that make us smile and help us realize things always fall into place. Connor Bright, my young co-host of Glue Guns and Phasers, was obviously meant to become a Star Trek fan. Although, a generation apart and half the country away, two girls were destined to become the dynamic duo of cosmic crafting. Yesterday, while at work she sent me this photo. Normally, I ignore my phone while on the job, but this made me smile ear to ear. To the “next generation” of fans, welcome aboard. There’s always room on the USS Enterprise for young bright minds.


Connor in the arms of her father on the transporter pad next to her mom.


Dammit Jim, I’m a crafter not a critic! Today, I am. June 30, 2014

Filed under: Life,Uncategorized — Televixen @ 7:29 pm
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Today, the Supreme Court ruled that some companies have the right to opt out of the new health law that requires coverage of contraceptives for women. This ruling is a very controversial decision as it is allowing for-profit businesses to exercise their religious views over their employees’ rights. Those rights equal the state. Those views equal religion. So much for separation of church and state! The biggest offender? Hobby Lobby, which carries products geared towards women and employs a large number of ladies. So, if you work for a company that’s owned by religious people, say goodbye to free contraceptives. Your rights are apparently not your own. Your views are irrelevant. Your body belongs to the almighty Jesus even if you don’t believe he exists.

Hobby Lobby, the craft store and its corporate company, should be ashamed of itself. Their workforce and shoppers are largely women and yet, their efforts to take away birth control rights are one giant slap in the face to those who work hard for them and put money into their registers. The Oklahoma-based company has over 15,000 full-time employees and more than 600 stores in 41 states. It’s owned by evangelical Christians (shocker!), which explains why they are the biggest company fighting Obama’s birth control provision. Now, I am not very good at math, but even I know that effects boatloads of women who may or may not hold their religious views. The contraceptives at issue before the court were the emergency contraceptives Plan B and ella, and two IUDs. Why is this such a problem you ask? Because religious nuts would rather hurt women than kill something they equate to a baby, even though it’s not even conceived or developed into anything yet. I can understand religious organizations that don’t pay taxes being exempt from such a requirement. You pretty much know what you’re getting into when you work for them, but a craft store? How dare they hold such immense power over hourly employees who just need to work to get by?

You might say, I have no stake in this argument. Except that I am a woman (duh). AND that I am a crafter and might have to buy something from Hobby Lobby in a pinch if there’s no Michaels in the area. I would never work for such a company, but I sympathize with women who have to because they have no other options. I don’t think I’ve ever purchased anything from them and I definitely won’t now. Moves like this make my blood boil. I usually avoid talking politics and religion in public forums, but this time, the gloves are off. One day, we’ll look back at these moments and wonder how humans could be so primitive in 2014?!

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the decision “potentially sweeping” because it shows the government isn’t interesting in making laws universal for all companies. Ginsburg said, ” it discounts the disadvantages religion-based opt outs impose on others, in particular, employees who do not share their employer’s religious beliefs.” From Wikipedia: In September 2012, Hobby Lobby filed a lawsuit against the United States over new regulations requiring health insurance provided by employers to cover emergency contraceptives, stating that, “(t)he Green family’s religious beliefs forbid them from participating in, providing access to, paying for, training others to engage in, or otherwise supporting abortion-causing drugs and devices.”

So, let’s get this straight. Hobby Lobby is arguing that the Affordable Care Act violates their religious views and therefore they do not have to offer birth control to their employees as part of their coverage. This translates to Hobby Lobby assuming their employees feel the same as they do. This assumes women who work for them must all be Christian and therefore hold the same beliefs even if having a child would ruin their life. This kind of mis-use of the Constitution and “The Religious Freedom Restoration Act” is so fucked! It’s fucked up because it’s using the very same logic of freedom to prevent female employees from having freedom. In a nutshell, the federal government cannot “substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion,” even if the burden results from a general law intended to apply to everyone. Again, fucked!

It is one thing for the Green family, who owns Hobby Lobby, to be closed on Sunday and religious holidays. It’s bad enough that they force their shoppers and staff to listen to Christian tunes over the loud speaker. It’s bad enough they don’t offer holiday decor for the Jewish and other religions. But, it’s quite something else for them to tell their staff they cannot have the same basic human rights the rest of the country is entitled to. Yes, you might say, you don’t have to work for them if you don’t agree, but that’s looking at it from our upper middle class bubble. It might be Hobby Lobby or unemployment with a household full of kids to feed. In fact, if you work for them, you probably do have a household full of kids to feed because well, you can’t get birth control. Sorry ladies, you’re just going to have to carry something for 9 months and provide for it for 18 years because your boss and the federal government made you do it. Again, fucked! I am so ashamed of this ruling. I am ashamed of our country and their disregard for women. One day, we will look at this as insane. Until then, this is reality. This is reality for a lot of women who just need a job. This has to get overturned. This can’t be the way we treat people in 2014 or is it?


Dirty as we want to be November 25, 2013

Filed under: Life,Television & Film,Uncategorized — Televixen @ 6:43 am

ss_1-1Is raw and sexually explicit comedy still a boys’ club? Brian Lowry from Variety magazine seems to think so. In fact, he recently said of Sarah Silverman, “Despite all manner of career-friendly gifts – from her looks to solid acting chops – she’s limited herself by appearing determined to prove she can be as dirty and distasteful as the boys…” Now, I’ve never heard of Brian Lowry and I suspect he’s just looking to get his name out there in the press by stirring up some controversy. Lowry’s going to have to try harder because A. as the article below states, he used this same quote on comic Amy Schumer a few months back and B. people are going to remember this shit and call him out on it. See the link below:

I am tired of male “journalists” and bloggers putting women down to get their name thrown around social media to enhance their careers. I am still not over Joe Peacock’s sexist remarks about women in geek culture. However, I refuse to keep talking about him because clearly that’s what he wants. Putting someone down in order to elevate your own status is just plain bullying. I’m tired of geek elitists who feel they can be the arbiters of who is a “true fan.”

Similarly, I’m sick of the old adage that women aren’t funny or that when they are crass somehow they are “acting like one of the boys.” I’ve watched Sarah Silverman’s career for a long time and she’s been pretty darn successful and consistent. I don’t think dirty jokes are purely a man’s domain. I’m writing a pilot now and the things I say in it might make you blush. And guess what? It’s about women’s issues, our experiences and the way the world reacts to us. If you don’t like this brand of humor than all I can say is don’t read it, don’t watch it and just ignore it.

As for you, Brian Lowry—Sarah Silverman affects you how? You’ve stated you find her attractive judging by the references to her looks. So, let me get this straight, she can’t be dirty on stage, but would you be OK with her being dirty in the bedroom? Good enough to sleep with, but god forbid she’s… funny. Talking filthy is part of her brand of humor. How exactly does that limit her? It’s what her audience accepts and most likely wants. By the way, performers in The Vagina Monologues use the P word a lot too. I seriously doubt anyone would dare say those women were “talking filthy as the boys.” Male or female, gender has nothing to do with how explicit someone’s sense of humor is. End of story.


Happy Birthday, Grandma! November 24, 2013

Filed under: Life,Uncategorized — Televixen @ 8:01 am

IMG_6161Today, November 24, 2013, would have been her 98th birthday. In fact, the last time I saw my grandmother conscious was on her 97th. We had a lot of traditions together and I can’t even begin to describe how strange it will feel keeping up with some of these without her. My grandma, Marie, the only grandmother I ever knew, was so special to me. She was in many ways, my second mom and I know for certain I thought of her as my best friend. I deem her responsible for teaching me how to be feminine. There was no formal instruction, but I looked onto her with reverence as she was the most graceful and lovely woman I had ever seen. I grew up with a brother, hung out with his friends, my best friend growing up was a tomboy, so was my actual mother. There was no one around to teach me to be a girl. Luckily, my parents worked 40 hours a week and in the summer months or on any holiday break, I got to spend it with Grandma. We developed quite the bond. I took after her in many ways. She encouraged me to be a performer, crafter and all-around good person. I took hula lessons with her since I was barely old enough to read. I glued seashells to costumes and shredded raffia for her Tahitian skirts. Sometimes I just loved to watch her. She knew I looked up to her. She gave me the best moments of my childhood even though she had so little.

As she got older, I took care of her. I took her shopping, drove her to the doctor, to pay her bills at the currency exchange and handled getting her prescriptions. I didn’t do this out of any sense of obligation. I did it because I wanted to. I loved spending time with her. I took her on vacations and drove her whereever she wanted to go. Michaels was one of our favorite places to spend an hour. Every year, I took her Christmas shopping and helped her pick things out for the whole family. This year, I’ll go to her favorite department store alone. I know she’d be happy to know I was keeping that tradition alive and getting a good deal too!

I saved all of her correspondence. I have hundreds of cards and letters from throughout the years. She asked to be buried with mine. This is the kind of bond we had. We’ll take it to the grave. I lost her on Valentine’s Day 2013. I’m sure I will hurt just as much as today when that day rolls around. I’ll try not to think about it and cross that bridge when it comes.

As I sit here writing this, I know she’d be proud of me. I have no regrets. I told her I loved her every time I hung up the phone or ended a letter. Every time I came to town, I made her priority number one. I miss our outings more than anything. Sometimes I have some good news to share or I’m feeling blue and I almost think I can call her. While that’s not possible, I know she’d be happy to know we were eating our turkey, sharing each other’s company and not being sad. She would want my family to go on and enjoy life. She had so much life in her until the end. She was the feistiest 97-year-old I had ever met! So, this Thanksgiving I am thankful for all the amazing memories and life lessons I got from “Grandma Grand.”

Be kind to each other, always remember to reach out to relatives and remind them of your love while you can. Life is so very short and fleeting. Things can change instantly. I’m grateful my life was touched by someone so beautiful for so long. I consider myself incredibly lucky.

Happy Birthday, Grandma Butterfly!


Guinan was always just… November 23, 2013

images…Guinan for me. She wasn’t a favorite character. She didn’t even stand out as anything other than Whoopi Goldberg. Uhura was the first black woman in outer space, so Guinan didn’t have that to set her apart. One thing I have always liked about the character is that she was the last character Gene Roddenberry created and developed before he passed away.

I grew up on Whoopi being the psychic in Ghost and the lead in Sister Act, so to me she was always a superstar. By the time I saw her in Star Trek, I found it distracting, like that one time Madonna showed up in a James Bond film. I didn’t watch TNG in its original run. (I know, I know!) But, I have been exploring the female characters of all of the Star Trek shows and movies lately. My friend and fellow convention panelist, Jamala Henderson has a deep affection for the character. She sent me this video and I was deeply moved by it.

Some people saw her as a calculated move to put a famous person in that role. Plus, why do we need another counselor type when we have Deanna? Much less one that is the cliche bartender? Well, I say just as  Seven of Nine evolved from a ratings-booster into a complex character, Guinan proved she was there to listen not because she had to, but because she wanted to. Her unsurpassed closeness to Picard and untold backstory (which I now appreciate as a writer), always added emotional depth and charm to the show. Whoopi could hold her own with Patrick Stewart in any scene, which is no easy task. She wasn’t in as many episodes as you would think and there’s an air of mystery about her that I really like. Thanks Jamala, for helping me see her as more than just a barkeep with a famous face!


Owning “IT” November 21, 2013

Filed under: Life,Uncategorized — Televixen @ 1:14 am

keep-calm-and-just-own-it-257x300Every now and then I have a solid heart-to-heart with a good friend. I feel we can learn about what we put out into the world more objectively from a third-party. It isn’t always easy to hear, but sometime we need to hear it. We need to know what others think about us based on what messages we send. Now, trust me. I do not give a rat’s ass about what others think of me. But, I do want to make a distinction that I care about what the people who mean something to me think.

Sometimes, I just can’t see outside of myself. A good friend will be real with you. You might reject what they are saying at first, but if you take time to process it, you might find it helpful (or they are just full of shit, but usually not).

Now, I won’t go into details about my personal conversation, but the crux of what I learned was if you have a problem with the way you are projecting yourself, change it. If you don’t, own it! I’ve gotten to that age where I am too obstinate to change, but I also really don’t care about people’s perceptions. I am a confident person. Sure, I have my insecurities like everyone else. But, sometimes a good friend knows how to hit you where it hurts. When that happens your confidence might go out the window. I am not vulnerable in front of many people, just the people I trust. I think things hit you where it hurts because deep down there’s truth to it.

So, I got to thinking about this idea of “owning it.” He said to me, “Mare, I am 42-year-old single man with a part-time job, living in a studio apartment.” It’s not exactly where he thought his dreams would take him, but he’s accepted it. imagesHe owns it. I respect this friend tremendously because he doesn’t try to be something he’s not. I told him perhaps he’s having a hard-time dating out here (he’s also a Chicago transplant) because women in LA want to date men who are powerful and important. At least, women in the entertainment business that is. Not everything is this cut and dry, but there is an evolutionary link with survivalism. As Henry Kissinger put it: “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” I told him there will be some women that find your honesty and ability to “own it” just as desirable.

I’ve always wanted to be taken seriously. I don’t want people to think I’m sexy. I don’t want people to think I’m cute. If you call me “nice,” I will roll my eyes and say, “do better!” More than anything, I want people to see that I have a brain. Sure, on some level we all want to be wanted, but why can’t we have it all? Sexy and smart are not mutally exclusive ideas. There’s no reason you have to compromise yourself to fit into a certain mold. I just need to get over seeing my friend’s impression of me as negative. He certainly didn’t mean it as a dig. I know these issues are deeply rooted in my childhood, upbringing and religion. I need to let go of guilt, embrace certain aspects of myself and just fucking own it already! Easier said than done. I’m working on it. Stay tuned…


I don’t need flowery, just be functional! November 20, 2013

raspberry_rain_disposablesWhen it comes to razors, I only buy what’s on sale. One day I got a coupon for these Schick Quattro disposables. It wasn’t until I had them in my hands that I realized they were Raspberry-Rain scented. I bought them anyway since they were cheap, but it got me wondering. What is the point of a scented handle? It doesn’t make your legs smell nice. It’s clearly just a marketing ploy because we all know women will buy anything scented like flowers and fruit, am I right, ladies? (insert sarcasm) They had absolutely no function, but the packaging was feminine and childish. I’m sure some teens may gravitate towards them, but it certainly didn’t factor into my decision-making. Besides what does a raspberry raindrop smell like anyway? When I got them home and sniffed, I still couldn’t tell ya. The odor was faint and was more along the lines of a scratch and sniff sticker (remember those?).

When I went home and did a little research, and by research, I mean Googled it. I discovered Schick wasn’t the only brand to carry scented handle razors. Gillette also makes a line of them. Theirs are tropical scents that come in a variety of pastel colors. Both brands are tying them in with their shave gels of the same fragrance, but if I’m buying a smelly shave gel why would I need a scented handle? I’m as perplexed by this blatantly sexist marketing as Ellen DeGeneres is about pens for women.

This made me love Ellen even more. Thanks for calling this crap out for what it is!

One could write an entire thesis on how packaging reaffirms traditional gender constructs, but this isn’t even functional or subtle at all.  Scent marketing isn’t a new concept, but from what I’ve encountered, it actually works. For example, Main Street at Disneyland pipes in the smell of fresh-baked cookies, to drive you to buy them. Or how many times have you walked into a movie theater full, but still had to buy that popcorn? So, why fruits and flowers when it comes to removing hair? Is it just to attract a new-to-shaving market of tweens or is it to reinforce the fruit-gathering role of women? It seems products want brand loyalty from an early age and one way to get it is to market younger and younger. No doubt, these razors, like any other product on the market, went through testing. Who were they surveying? Clearly, girls who like pink, purple and light orange. While I’m not one of those girls, I will continue to buy them because they keep giving me coupons. I’m a cheap skate, what can I say. My feminism only runs so far. While I think this form of gender-comodifying is wrong, I know taking away my $10 isn’t going to make any difference. And heck, it is still a functional razor even if the scent doesn’t do anything. Does it make me a bad feminist if I put my wallet before my principles? I’m a starving artist, functional is functional and if there’s cheap and functional, I’ll take it! I’ve seen these razors on clearance, so I am confident this is just another passing fad. Let’s hope the next one isn’t this stupid.


Words used to silence November 7, 2013

Filed under: Life,Uncategorized — Televixen @ 4:08 am
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ImageI never really thought about words being used to silence women, but the more I think about it, I can think of hundreds of examples in my lifetime. Most recently I was informed by a friend that someone said something inappropriate about me. It was a total stranger and I brushed it off, but it goes back to the idea of certain words having negative implications instead of uplifting ones. I was at a Star Trek convention being interviewed in the captain’s chair. I was flanked by my panelists on the bridge of the Enterprise, when someone leaned into the guy running the booth and said, “watch out, they’re feminists!” What exactly did she think was going to happen? What were we going to say that was so controversial? I’m baffled by the fact that a woman would have a problem with this term in the first place, let alone be warning others against giving us a platform.

Words are only powerful if you let them have weight. Today a friend sent me a link to a blog about the way words are used to silence us women. It was a fascinating read and the comments (literally, hundreds) were also equally enlightening. Oh, and watch out, there be feminists here!

Here’s the link at Make Me A Sammich:


Happy Halloween!!! October 31, 2013

Filed under: Life,Television & Film — Televixen @ 6:06 pm
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1394399_10151752710167568_1031031790_nIt’s no secret that Halloween is my favorite holiday. So, I wanted to take a moment to wish you a happy one. To me, Halloween is an entire month spanning from late September, when I put up my decorations, until early November. While the amateurs spend one day getting their scare on, I hit the haunts all month long, some years even sporting more than one costume. As a kid, I always felt like an outcast. I never felt like I fully belonged at my Catholic school. Halloween was the one day out of the year to go a little crazy (or mad as Norman Bates puts it). It was the one day out of the year where you were encouraged to be someone else and go wild. You could escape your boring little reality. You could eat sweets, be evil and decadence was accepted. As a teenager, I got into The Cure and Nine Inch Nails and soon became obsessed with horror variety shows, anthology series and the TV hosts. I was a bit of a goth kid. The Crypt Keeper and Svengoolie (UPN fixture in Chicago) were the ones that dominated my parents’ TV screen. But, before they could do their thing, there was one woman who revolutionized local TV. Her name was Vampira.

Vampira (real name Maila Nurmi) is one of my favorite gothic icons. Hell, I even played her in a theatrical production. She had a dark sensibility long before there was an Elvira. (She even sued her for stealing the idea/look). While Elvira was cheeky, Vampira was seductively evil. She was a fixture in California for being a horror TV host in the 1950s, but didn’t really grab the nation’s attention until much later when Ed Wood’s “Plan 9 From Outer Space” became a cult hit. Even though she has no lines, she’s the one thing I always remembered.

This Russian site has some pretty awesome and rare Vampira photos. Check it out!

Happy Haunting!


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Trek panel at Geek Girl Con coverage October 30, 2013


Tanya Feldman, Jamala Henderson, Me and Jarrah Hodge.

Our panel, “Is Star Trek a Feminist Utopia?” at Geek Girl Con in Seattle is getting a lot of mentions on websites and blogs all around the net. I thought I would post some of the coolest mentions here. Feel free to link me to others as you find them. The overwhelming feeling I’m getting is that people wished they could have discussed Star Trek with us for hours, but they think that we didn’t give enough attention to Enterprise. Very true. There were only 3 of us, plus one moderator. We each thought we would cover a series. I had TOS, Jamala took on TNG, Tanya and Jarrah tag-teamed Voyager and Deep Space Nine. I know we didn’t give enough coverage to the movies, but there was mention of them. I spoke about First Contact and I think there were other mentions too. The main thing we learned from this experience is that we could have a panel on any one of these areas and it would take up nearly an hour or more. We did our best, but the time ran out so quickly. We mostly wanted to make sure we had enough time to hear your thoughts. Sorry we rushed through our discussion of Into Darkness, but I’m not sorry we disliked it! Can’t wait until Star Trek Las Vegas where I will, hopefully, be moderating a similar discussion in August.

Some of our fabulous mentions: